Product Summary
Designed for broadband commercial and industrial applications with
frequencies up to 1.0 GHz. The high gain and broadband performance of
these devices make them ideal for large–signal, common source amplifier
applications in 26 volt base station equipment.
? Guaranteed Performance @ 880 MHz, 26 Volts
Output Power — 85 Watts PEP
Power Gain — 12 dB
Efficiency — 30%
Intermodulation Distortion — –28 dBc
? 100% Tested for Load Mismatch Stress at all Phase Angles with 5:1 VSWR
@ 26 Vdc, 880 MHz, 85 Watts CW
? Excellent Thermal Stability
? Characterized with Series Equivalent Large–Signal Impedance Parameters
? Available in Tape and Reel. R3 Suffix = 250 Units per 56 mm, 13 Inch reel